Le Canton De Red Lake

Bienvenue à Red Lake, Ontario 

La capitale de l’or du Canada 

Cette courtepointe multiculturelle comprend évidemment une composante française puisque Red Lake est le lieu de résidence d’environ 8% de francophones. Dans cette municipalité on assiste à une véritable effervescence depuis peu du côté francophone, notamment avec la création d’une association qui vise à promouvoir la langue et organise des activités sociales. 

Ce regain d’énergie permet d’identifier des francophones un peu partout dans les commerces et les organismes, un point de départ essentiel à l’offre de services en français et à l’utilisation du français hors du foyer familial ou de l’école. Red Lake a d’ailleurs une école primaire francophone qui accueille une trentaine d’élèves. 

L’année 2016 a d’ailleurs été faste pour les francophones de cette petite localité puisque la municipalité a accepté de lever le drapeau franco-ontarien pour la première fois et l’association locale est devenue membre de l’association des francophones du Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario. L’énergie insufflée aux francophones par ces deux nouvelles laisse présager un avenir radieux pour le français à Red Lake. 


Though the community of Red Lake is less than a century old, people have lived in the area for hundreds of years. Early inhabitants were the Cree and Sioux Nations but approximately 300 years ago the Ojibway people became the dominant culture.

Nowadays the population of Red Lake is approaching 5,000 and is spread throughout the towns of Red Lake, Madsen, Starratt-Olsen, Balmertown, Cochenour and McKenzie Island. The municipality is strategically located in the upper northwest corner of Ontario, where residents enjoy the natural beauty of the area’s pristine lakes, rivers, streams, forests and clear blue skies.

Small-town life in Red Lake offers residents minimal commutes, ample housing, excellent education, low crime rates and an abundance of recreational and cultural facilities. The municipal government of Red Lake is committed to developing a sustainable community that provides high quality opportunities in all areas.

The Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital is a newer 18-bed facility and is served by the Red Lake/Ear Falls Ambulance Service. Offering 24/7 emergency services, the hospital is equipped to meet basic health care needs. Patients with more complex medical needs travel to larger centres for specialized care and some secondary services are available through local health providers or visiting specialists. The Red Lake Medical Clinic for example offers non-emergency care, usually with minimal waiting time.

The Municipality of Red Lake website www.red-lake.com provides more information about living in Red Lake and its health care, local infrastructure and municipal services.

Visit www.myredlake.com to find all the information you will need when considering making Red Lake your new home.


Red Lake was established in the 19th century as an outpost for fur trading between the local Ojibway and the European settlers. As the fur industry struggled in the late 19th century, an exciting new gold mining industry took its place.

Mining continues to have a major economic influence in the Red Lake area. Goldcorp Red Lake Gold Mines is the largest employer in the region employing over 1,200 people. www.goldcorp.com

In the recent past forestry has also played a significant role in the local economy. Despite the recent national forestry crisis, an extremely promising and ambitious project known as Two Feathers First Products LP is scheduled to start in the area. The project will involve the construction of a plant to manufacture value-added wood products for overseas markets.

With over 100 fishing and hunting camps in the Red Lake region, tourism factors significantly in the regional economy. Eco-tourism is currently growing in popularity and presents new opportunity for employment and innovation. Additional employment exists in the hospitality, retails and service sectors which cater to the major industries in Red Lake as well as local residents.

For additional employment opportunities, go to www.myredlake.com


Child care is provided by three municipally-run facilities, offering a full range of services from full day to half-day and after-school care as well. In addition, the Red Lake Early Years Centre offers drop-in access to parents of children under the age of 6, providing learning materials and programs as well as opportunities for socialization.

The Red Lake area is fortunate to be serviced by excellent school facilities, very well qualified staff and a wide range of programming and services, provided by both a public and a Catholic separate school system. Local schools are:

  • St. John’s Separate School

  • Red Lake-Madsen Public School

  • Golden Learning Centre

  • Red Lake District High School

  • District Life Long Learning Centre

  • Keewatin-Patricia District School Board

Both Boards of Education have been able to organize their schools to offer small class sizes. Staff is assigned to assist special needs students, assessment services are provided and innovative programming initiatives have been repeatedly demonstrated.

For more information about educational facilities, visit www.myredlake.com

Doing Business 

Our goal is to attract new investments and grow existing business in our community. Red Lake Economic Development (RLED) will assist you with all your site location and investment decisions.

RLED works one-on-one with entrepreneurs and businesses to facilitate the process of locating to Red Lake. RLED is committed to improving the economic well-being of Red Lake residents through the growth and expansion of local businesses and the attraction of new businesses to the area. The goal is to strengthen the Red Lake business environment by making the Municipality an attractive place to live, work and operate a business.

Establishing or Growing Your Business

Information: From site selection data, information on government grants, loans and services to market research data and networking opportunities, RLED is a one-stop source for the most up to date and relevant information on Red Lake.

Advice: RLED can answer your questions or provide referrals on general business practices, expansion planning, and even link you with the most up to date information on exporting.

Assistance: RLED helps you cut through red tape. Staff will connect you with the decision makers, identify and connect you with potential funders, help you network with partners and allies, and link you to educational and training resources to meet all your human resource needs. RLED will bring you together with the people and expertise you need to succeed.

Click here to learn more.


Best known for its endless wilderness, Red Lake showcases the very best of the Boreal Forest and the Canadian Shield, making it the perfect location for enjoying the outdoors. There are hundreds of clean and clear fresh-water lakes scattered throughout the area, surrounded by deep forests. Together with stunning sunsets and dancing northern lights, the scenery here creates images you won't soon forget.

Numerous municipal parks are located throughout Red Lake offering individuals and families safe and pleasant surroundings in which to relax, play, or explore the unique history of the area. Picnic areas are available at beaches equipped with BBQ pits, horseshoe pits and play areas for children. In addition, many natural beaches and picnic areas are located along the shores of our beautiful area lakes.

Many residents are avid fishermen and hunters or those who enjoy snowmobiling, hiking and boating right at their doorsteps. Others prefer organized indoor and outdoor recreation including swimming, team sports, curling and fitness classes.

Red Lake recreational amenities:

  • two tennis courts (one with lights)

  • four baseball diamonds (one with lights)

  • one 18 hole golf course

  • two soccer fields

  • three excellent public beaches

  • one indoor arena

  • one community centre

  • one indoor curling rink

  • two outdoor skating rinks

  • terrific cross-country ski trails

  • a substantial network of groomed snowmobile trails

  • one bowling alley

  • a regulation-size indoor swimming pool (with exercise, sauna and weight rooms)

  • two regulation size squash courts (including climb-max, lifecycle and weight room)

Red Lake enjoys a long and continuous history of float plane transportation. Red Lake’s largest annual event, the Norseman Festival, is based on the historic Canadian-made float plane referred to as the Norseman. This festival attracts enthusiasts worldwide. From music festivals and fishing derbies to winter activities, curling bonspiels and other sporting events, Red Lake offers plenty of recreational activities that everyone can enjoy. For more information visit www.myredlake.com


We moved to Red Lake over 6 years ago, what an adventure this has been and what a big change from what we are used to coming from Costa Rica. The Red lake community welcomed us and helped us settled in this unknown northern town as soon as we came in, we made friends very easily our friends here had become our family away from home. Everyone has welcome and shown interest to learn our culture, language, food, etc. as much as possible even how to Salsa dance, they've made us feel special as immigrants and that we are an important addition to this community.

The weather of course was a big shock, but in Red Lake we really experience the winter to its fullest, ice fishing, skiing, curling, hockey, toboggan, even thou we lived in southern ontario for a couple years before Red Lake, we never experienced true canadian living like we do here. Summer is definitely short but very full of outdoor activities, every day after work its like cottage living, go for a walk and finish it up with a refreshing swim in the lake, or just go for a relaxing boat ride and great fishing; nothing better than catching your own fresh dinner; also, weekends competing in the baseball tournaments, volleyball, soccer, camping in your own backyard, wildlife is very close around us, it reminds us of our home country it makes us feel like home even thou we are thousands of miles away, we love it here and look forward to spending many years to come.

Deikel Orocu Arce

Industrial & Computer Sciences Engineer

working as the IT-Finance Administrator at the Red Lake Hospital

Edgar Arce Saenz (Tutty), Underground miner.

In Red Lake we really experience the winter to its fullest; ice fishing, skiing, curling, hockey, and tobogganing. Even though we lived in southern Ontario for a couple years before coming to Red Lake, we never experienced true Canadian living like we do here. Summer is definitely short but very full of outdoor activities. Every day after work it’s like cottage living. We go for a walk and finish it up with a refreshing swim in the lake, or just go for a relaxing boat ride and great fishing; nothing better than catching your own fresh dinner. At weekends, we compete in baseball tournaments, volleyball, soccer, camping in our own backyard and wildlife is very close around us. It reminds us of our home country and makes us feel at home even though we are thousands of miles away. We really love it here and look forward to spending many years to come.

Edgar Arce Saenz (Tutty)

Underground Miner

Where We Are 
Photo Gallery 
Photo Gallery: Red Lake will appear here on the public site.


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