Working in Canada
For many newcomers it can take longer than expected to find a job in their chosen field or to become accredited. Some consequently choose to change their career path and others take a temporary position in an unregulated profession. Whatever your chosen path, there are many resources and supports available in Northwestern Ontario to help you make the right employment decisions.
All newcomers must apply for the required documentation in order to work legally in Canada. When you arrive, you need to find out about taxes, Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and apply for your Social Insurance Number (SIN). All Canadian residents must have a SIN to work in Canada.
Complete the SIN application form at your nearest Service Canada Centre or telephone: 1-800-622-6232.
If you intend to work for yourself or start a business you must register your business with several levels of government. You will need to apply to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for a Business Number (BN) which identifies your business with the federal and provincial government. Your Business Number will be used as a reference for your sales tax, corporate income tax, import/export and payroll deductions accounts.
In addition to registering for a Business Number (BN), you may also wish to consider incorporating your business federally and provincially. The type of business structure you choose will directly affect the way you report your income and pay taxes. Get more information about how to set up your tax accounts from Canada Business.
You may also need to apply for permits and licenses from the federal, provincial or municipal government, depending on your business location and the specific activities that you plan to conduct. The Government of Canada provides many resources and guides for starting different types of businesses.
Useful links:
- BizPaL
- Canada Business
- Going to Canada
- Service Canada
- Thunder Bay & District Entrepreneur Centre