Working In Northwestern Ontario

Northwestern Ontario's needs skilled and professional people.

If you're looking for a new career opportunity, the Northwest region has hundreds of employment opportunities in a wide range of thriving sectors and industries.

Finding work is easy and particularly if you have certain in-demand skills or qualifications. There are currently more professional positions to be filled in sectors like healthcare, ICT and mining than there are qualified candidates. Work opportunities are also widely available to people with skilled trades experience such as welding, carpentry and painting.

If you’re looking for a new career in your chosen profession or advice about working in Canada, you'll find it here. Visit our Job Portal for current employment opportunities and to connect directly with employers in Northwestern Ontario.

Magnet Logo Magnet for Job Seekers

Sign up for free job matching services. Build a Magnet profile that showcases your qualifications and experience. Magnet’s innovative job matching technology works 24 hours a day, connecting you to the job opportunities that match your skills and interests and sends them to directly to your inbox.

The link to the system is here:

